welcome to patanjali yoga Kendra

The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ meaning to unite and deeply indicating the union of Jeevatma (soul) and Paramatma (universal soul). The yoga was developed as a part of the tantric culture which existed in ancient India (pre-Vedic period) more than ten thousand years ago. Lord Siva is considered to be the symbol of supreme consciousness. The Kundalini Shakti lies in Mooladhara Chakra of our body. The individual soul is embodied and bound to the world. This is liberated and united with supreme consciousness by practicing Yoga.

In the Vedas, we find indications of the highest state which is the goal of Yoga. The Katopanishad defines Yoga as a state of steadiness of the body and control of the senses as well as the mind and the intellect.

Our Courses

  • Basic Yoga Course

    We offer Yoga classes in various location in your neighbourhood.Basic Yoga course is offerd 1-2 hrs classes in 45 days.It will be very helpfull to explore the depth of yoga- from philosophy to practice.It includes the techniques of asanas, pranayam and meditation.

  • Advanced Yoga Course

    Advanced yoga classes explores yoga postures, ancient yogic knowledge, breathing and meditation in a gentle yet profound, celebrative and joyful retreat setting and above all for giving you a meditative experience of yourself.

  • Pranic Healing courses

    Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine.it keeps the body healthy and alive.

    Anything in life that disturb us, such as stress, fear, sadness and loneliness, arguments and frustrations, makes your luminous energy field dimmer and imbalanced. This, in long run appears as pain, discomfort, physical and psychological problems. With Pranic Healing, we are able to detect the problems and imbalances in the energy and carefully remove them using a fairly simple technique that involves no touching, no drug and anyone can learn to do it.

Our Classes & Venues

  • Yoga Class

    We conduct 3 classes everyday @6.30 am @10.30 am and @5.30 pm at Patanjali Yoga Kendra Center.Chelavoor. We conduct classes in various locations and have more instucturs for taking classes.

    Contact us for your individual class.-Call: +91 9447 338 996.

    Know our classes

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Latest News


Yoga for childern,Workshops

This fun-filled, adventourous and interactive workshop is designed to teach Yoga to children between the age 8 and 13. Yoga is packaged in a way that these young minds can grasp it and apply them in their lives.

April 2, 2017

Latest Event


Summer Yoga Campain

The time of summer, in the year with the longest daylight hours and a bright sun that is heating up everything and everyone. You love yoga when it feels fun and free and joyful this time of year.

We were practiced the summer off with a week of nature adventures both outdoors and in the yoga room!.In the Summer yoga practice should be quieting, cooling, and calming. We conducted 7 day Summer yoga Campain at Calicut.There were dancing, singing, relaxing, stretching, meditating, and lots of love.

February 23, 2018



Yoga For Weight Loss

Can yoga really help losing weight? The basic fact about yoga is that it is an aerobic exercise which can help you get in shape when done at moderate speed. If you are looking for a serious weight loss then it needs to be done under the supervision of a yoga expert and over a period of time. Advantage of yoga is that it leaves you fresh and new every time you are done with your yoga workout.

January 2, 2018